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A member registered Jan 18, 2022

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hey I'm personally having problems adding IpB setting for the throw, as it won't let me add it the bit amount or the item count, leaving them blank.

Hey I'm having this weird problem with obs and vtuber plus. When TAA anti aliasing is enabled, alongside transparency,  within both your app and in obs, this weird ghosting affect occurs. I've tried a few settings to see if they help, but they don't affect. those 3 settings I mentioned by name are what cause it. 

the ghosting affect also only happens on my model in area's with high motion.

A few idea's!

removing water from the options for liquid falling on the head in favor of maybe a jet of water being sprayed in the models face?

Adding in the ability to activate the redeems on both point redeems and bits.

Ability to add custom animations, not just items. And if you add this, maybe add in the ability to choose 'presets', and the presets just being the animations you have created, so that way you could say have a redeem for 1 throw and a different redeem to throw 10 items or 1000 items. 

If any of this is already possible, please tell me where the info on how is located.